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Get to know Coach Briana Tetz!


Years Experience
Who's Coach Briana Tetz?

Fitness personified, to live is for your health!

Brianna Tetz is a Certified Personal Trainer based out of the Orange County, NY area. While receiving her certification in 2023, Briana brings with her over 10 years of experience & knowledge in the realm of physical fitness, wellness and nutrition.

Briana’s resume also includes lettering in High School in athletics, and even going as far as being a Division II collegiate athlete for four years.. Briana’s goal is to spread awareness to not only Mothers like herself, but to everyone that maintaining your health should never be ignored, for it gives you your youth back; not to mention its also fun too!

Years of Fitness Experience
0 +
Years of Athletics Experience
0 +
years of industry knowledge
0 +

Don't put your health off!
Let's talk about your goals!

It all starts with you taking that first step! Contact me today and we can take that first step, together!

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